Transform your skin with Laser Tattoo Removal

Pure Skin Laser Center treats all tattoos of various colors, sizes, and styles.With advanced laser technology that is safe for all skin types, clients can experience minimal discomfort and achieve excellent results, boosting their self-confidence and improving their overall quality of life. Pure Skin offers customizable treatment options to cater to each clients individual needs, ensuring that clients receive the best possible care. With the help of an experienced technician and advanced laser technology, you can achieve the clear, beautiful skin you desire. Tattoos that were once difficult to treat in the past with older technology now have a much higher chance of removal or lightening  and are cleared in far fewer treatment sessions. 

Looking for a your tattoo to be covered up or faded? 

Not wanting to get rid of your whole tattoo or have something else you want to replace it with?

Laser tattoo removal is an effective way to fade or remove an unwanted tattoo, and can also be useful for those who want to cover up an existing tattoo with a new design. At Pure Skin Laser Center, we work closely with our clients and their tattoo artists to come up with a plan for the cover up that will look that will give you the outcome you are desiring. Our state-of-the-art laser technology can target the ink particles in the skin, breaking them down so that they can be naturally eliminated by the body. This process can help to fade the tattoo, making it easier for the new design to be applied over it. 

Permanent Makeup Removal

Laser tattoo removal can also be a useful option for those who have had permanent makeup, such as eyebrow or lip tattooing, that needs to be redone. Over time, the ink used for permanent makeup can fade or change color, leading to an unsatisfactory appearance. The laser technology used at Pure Skin can target specific areas of the skin, making it possible to selectively remove the unwanted ink while leaving surrounding areas untouched. This precision makes it possible to achieve the desired results for permanent makeup touch-ups or redos. Our experienced technicians can work with clients to determine the best approach for their specific needs and ensure that the laser removal is done safely and effectively.

Permanant Makeup FAQs

Your Ultimate Guide to Microblading & Nano Brow Tattoo Removal

Can laser tattoo removal effectively remove both microblading and nano brows?

Yes! laser tattoo removal can effectively target both microblading and nano brows tattoos. However, the success of removal may vary depending on factors such as ink color, depth of the tattoo, and individual skin characteristics. Why do microblading and nano brows tattoos undergo color changes during laser removal? Microblading and nano brows tattoos often undergo color changes during laser removal due to the breakdown of pigments in the skin caused by the laser's energy. This process may result in temporary darkening or lightening of the tattoo as the pigments are dispersed and metabolized by the body. 

Is Microblading or Nano Brows easier to remove with laser treament?

Microblading is typically easier to remove compared to nano brows. This is because microblading involves shallower incisions into the skin compared to nano brows, which penetrate deeper. The shallower depth of microblading allows the ink to break down more quickly when targeted by laser treatments, leading to a relatively easier removal process.

How many laser tattoo removal sessions are typically required to remove microblading or nano brows tattoos?

On average the number of laser tattoo removal sessions needed to remove microblading or nano brows is 2-4. Nano brows can take slightly longer to remove due to the depth of the ink in the skin. Overall, tattoo removal can vary depending on factors such as ink color, tattoo depth, and individual health

How much does it cost to get brows removed or faded?

The cost per sesson for tattoo removal is $150. Packages are available to buy 3 treatments and get the 4th for free. 0% financing is also available, making it easier than ever to have access to these treatments!

Are there any alternative treatments or procedures for removing microblading or nano brows tattoos besides laser removal?

Yes, there are alternative treatments for removing microblading or nano brows tattoos, such as saline tattoo removal, chemical peels, and manual tattoo removal techniques. However, these methods may be less effective or more invasive than laser tattoo removal and may have their own set of risks and limitations.

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Why Choose Pure Skin Laser Center

1. Effective removal: Laser tattoo removal is an effective option for removing tattoos of all colors and sizes. The laser targets the ink particles, breaking them down into smaller pieces that are then naturally removed by the body.

2. Safe for all skin types: Pure Skin Laser Center uses advanced laser technology that is safe for all skin types. This means that clients with darker skin tones can also undergo laser tattoo removal without the risk of scarring or hyperpigmentation.

3. Minimal discomfort: While laser tattoo removal may cause some discomfort, Pure Skin Laser Center uses advanced technology with the Zimmer Cryo that minimizes discomfort during treatment.

4. Customizable treatment: Every tattoo is unique and Pure Skin Laser Center offers customizable treatment options to cater to each clients individual needs. The number of sessions required for complete tattoo removal can vary depending on the size, color, and age of the tattoo.

5. Boosts self-confidence: Unwanted tattoos can cause self-consciousness and embarrassment, especially in professional or social settings. Laser tattoo removal can help clients feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin.

How does it work?

There are many methods for removing unwanted ink, but laser tattoo removal is the safest, most effective technique. Methods like salabrasion, excision, dermabrasion, and even acid injections are effective but very harmful to the skin and virtually always result in scarring. Laser tattoo removal is the only non-invasive method that penetrates deep into the dermis and specifically breaks up tattoo ink particles without harming the surrounding skin tissue. Laser tattoo removal uses high-intensity light to break the large tattoo ink particles into nano-fragments. Our Astanza Duality laser emits a beam of light tuned to a specific wavelength that is absorbed by a particular group of ink colors. The light absorption causes the ink particles to heat up and shatter into smaller particles captured by the macrophages and removed from the body through the lymphatic system. It’s important to note that the rate at which a tattoo fades depends solely on one’s immune system. The laser acts as an assistant to the body by breaking down the ink.

The laser tattoo removal process requires multiple sessions, depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, as well as the type of ink used. Sessions are spaced six to eight weeks apart to allow the body enough time to eliminate the broken-down ink particles.

Check out our aftercare tips here!

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